PDF Ebook Marlborough: His Life and Times
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Marlborough: His Life and Times

PDF Ebook Marlborough: His Life and Times
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"The greatest historical work written in our century, an inexhaustible mine of political wisdom and understanding, which should be required reading for every student of political science." - Leo Strauss, University of Chicago "Rarely in the history of historical writing have author and subject seemed so made for each other." - Henry Steele Commager
John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough (1644-1722), was one of the greatest military commanders and statesmen in the history of England. Victorious in the Battles of Blenheim (1704), Ramillies (1706), and countless other campaigns, Marlborough, whose political intrigues were almost as legendary as his military skill, never fought a battle he didn't win. Although he helped James II crush the rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth, Marlborough later supported William of Orange against James II in the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and brilliantly managed England's diplomatic triumphs during the War of the Spanish Succession. Marlborough also bequeathed the world another great British military strategist and diplomat - his descendant, Winston S. Churchill, who wrote this book to redeem Marlborough's reputation from Macaulay's smears.One million words long and ten years in the making, Churchill's Marlborough stands as both a literary and historical masterpiece, giving us unique insights into the Churchill of World War II, for just as Churchill's literary skill helps us understand the complexities of Marlborough's life, so too did his writing of Marlborough help Churchill master the arts of military strategy and diplomacy. This two-volume edition includes the entire text and almost all the original maps.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 1050 Seiten
Verlag: The University of Chicago Press; Auflage: New ed (14. Januar 2003)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0226106330
ISBN-13: 978-0226106335
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,2 x 6,1 x 22,9 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 289.895 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
In diesem ersten Teil seiner Biographie seines Urahnen Marlborough beschreibt Winston Churchill dessen schrittweisen Aufstieg aus einfachen Verhältnissen an die Macht. Dabei gewinnt man - gerade als nicht-englischer Leser - ungemein interessante Einblicke in das Leben Englands um die "Glorious Revolution" herum. Besonders gefallen hat mir die einfühlsame Schilderung einer Kultur, die eigentlich weder von ihrer Wirtschaft noch von ihrer Waffentechnik her in der Lage war, Krieg zu führen und es trotzdem tat - mit einer Art Logik aus Schachbrett und Plünderung, die aus heutiger Zeit gesehen erschreckend ist. Zu diesem Buch bin ich u. a. über Martin van Crefelds "Supplying War" gekommen, das man gut als Ergänzung lesen kann.
Churchill's biography of his ancestor is really great military history. He has analyzed each of the great battles in detail and sets them out clearly and with great maps (much of this is in Book II, however). Fervently wish that other military historians would do the same.Only "rap" is that Churchill gives only one side to the non-military controversies surrounding the Duke, so if you want a balanced account of Marlborough's life, you'll need to read something else--a favorable biography of James II and a biography of Queen Anne. But if you want a great and readable account of a key part of the "Second Hundred Years War," this (and Book Two) are indispensable.
Very well written, well organized, a really great picture of the man and the history of that time. I was hesitant about committing to 1000 pages (and this is only part 1 of 2) but I enjoyed it immensely and looking forward to the next part.
Winston Churchill was a man who rarely met a topic upon which he didn't harbor a strong opinion that he was willing to share. The Duke of Marlborough is no different. Churchill is clearly enamoured with this relative of his and lets it show. That said, Churchill plainly states that there are two camps on Marlborough and tells the world which camp he falls into. By doing so, he opens up the reader to get a feel not just for Marlborough and his times, but also for the debate by historians that rages around a polarizing historic figure like Marlborough. (Sound familiar to anyone else?) The result is a richly layered work.Winston Churchill viewed history as something that was alive and tangible and his historic writings capture that feeling for readers. Marlborough's battles - both military and political - come to life in the hands of Churchill. We get to see one of the great military minds of the 18th century push military science closer and closer to its modern form. We also see him perform less well on the political front against his foes there.Through the entire book, we get to listen to Winston Churchill in his element, telling us a story about a topic he feels passionately about. So many of the trials, trevails, and reactions that Churchill ascribes to Marlborough are so obviously parallels to Churchill's life and his reactions that the book has a clear autobiographical tone to it as well.Highly recommended for history buffs and for people who want to understand Churchill more deeply.
Winston Spencer Churchill's biography of his ancestor, John Churchill First Duke of Marlborough, stands out as a restoration of Marlborough's reputation, an account of England under the reigns of Charles II, James II, William III and Queen Anne, and an in-depth military and political history of the War of Spanish Succession.WSC gives us a picture of the whole man, including his faults. One of WSC's purposes is to rescue Marlborough's reputation from the attacks of generations of historians. The book becomes a brilliant defense and of course it cannot be unbiased. WSC is Marlborough's defense attorney, not his judge.By the 1920s, Marlborough had been called miserly, greedy, ambitious, duplicitous, disloyal and treacherous. As he recounts Marlborough's life, WSC continually picks up an episode that seemingly illustrates one of these traits, but turns it around.Where unsympathetic historians saw miserly habits, WSC saw thrift and WSC goes further. Marlborough was miserly when it came to his own needs, such as when he insisted surgeons cut his stocking along the seem so that it could be resown. Yet he paid his army's bills and wages on time; apparently this was unusual in those days. He paid, from his own discretionary funds, which other generals often pocketed as a matter of course, for military intelligence that proved crucial to securing many of his victories.Where accusers saw ambition needlessly prolonging a difficult war, WSC presents Marlborough has being bound by duty to achieve the best results possible, and to reject a timid peace, which would have left Europe in the hands of a despot.WSC has a more difficult, but no less successful time defending Marlborough's continued correspondence with St-Germain, the exiled English court of James II and later his son, as recognized by Louis the XIV. The problem here is that today such acts would indeed be treason, but in the seventeenth century they were part of the normal workings of diplomacy, war time or not. After all, if passports and safe conduits were routinely given to enemies to allow them to rest and confer in between campaigns, it could not have been that unusual to keep in touch with people one knew, even if they were officially enemies.WSC also presents Marlborough's most important relationships: with his wife Sarah Jennings; with his military ally Prince Eugene, with whom he won at Blenheim; with his political colleague Godolphin, who secured funds for his military work; with the kings and queen of England from James II to George I;But WSC does accuse Marlborough on occasion of having been unwise. He is particularly critical of the Duke's obsession with his palace at Blenheim (where WSC himself was born). Marlborough didnft want an opulent residence, rather he wanted to leave a monument that would survive centuries and remember his name to future generations. WSC writes that as such Blenheim was a failure: it added nothing to the Duke's reputation and the worries it caused may have taken years from his life. Winston Churchill must have felt his biography was a better memorial to his ancestor.
This(and book 2) could be a lives work for a lot of writers. When you look at all of the things that WSC wrote and did in his lifetime, it certainly humbles the rest of us.
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