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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1325 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 317 Seiten
Verlag: Random House (15. April 2009)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.3 von 5 Sternen
3 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#33.797 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Dieser erste Band von Maya Angelous Autobiografie beschreibt ihre Kindheit und Jugend bis zur Geburt ihres Sohnes. Ein Leben in Kalifornien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, inmitten von Armut, Gewalt und Rassismus. Doch die spätere Dr. Angelou gibt nicht auf. Es gelingt ihr, die erste schwarze Straßenbahnschaffnerin zu werden. Die Energie und Lebensweisheit ihrer Mutter hilft ihr, sich durchzusetzen.Als dieses Buch 1969 erschien, war es eine Sensation, ein bahnbrechendes Zeugnis direkt aus der afroamerikanischen Community heraus. Auch heute noch ist diese Biografie lesenswert. Die Lektüre macht deutlich, wieviel die Bürgerrechtsbewegung seit damals geschafft hat, aber auch, wieviel es noch zu tun gibt. Danke an die Autorin, die Menschen eine Stimme gibt, die normalerweise selten zu hören sind.
Wonderful read expect the opening where once again Oprah Winfrey has to steal the show by admitting that she is the true creator of the Earth
Of course Maya Angelou is a brilliant writer and her death last year is a big loss. I didn't enjoy the subject matter. It was for me very sad and dark and not an enjoyable story but it was her reality and I appreciate that.
Maya Angelou is, of course, very famous, and the title of this book is known to most people. For years, with a few exceptions, I have been reading nonfiction. I have been intensely interested in a few subjects, which changed somewhat as I grew older, but rarely turned to fiction. It was no doubt because of an attempt to remedy my ignorance that I picked this up, as well as the fact that it was only two dollars on Book Bub. I now understand why Maya Angelou was such a giant figure in American literature. In rich, sometimes poetic language, she brings the reader into her world of social tensions and appreciation of her culture. She is able to demonstrate the degree of her strength and intelligence, and I came to a great appreciation of this major writer.
I'm not sure why it took me so long to read this book! I've heard about it for years, seen it referenced in other books and movies, yet I always avoided reading it myself. After coming across it again on the Amazon store, I decided to go ahead. Maybe I would get bored one day and skim it.Oh my goodness.As soon as I started reading it, I didn't stop. Starting at 7:00 pm., by the time the birds signaled dawn, I finished the last page with tears in my eyes.Aside from the obviously touching story, Maya Angelou is a truly gifted writer. She was able to transform her writing as her character (herself) aged. She wrote from the mind of a child in the beginning, and by the end, she had a new maturity.Beautiful. Worth all the accolades it's received thus far.
I adored Maya Angelou. Brilliant, loving, an inspiration, a mother to us all. So I FINALLY got around to reading her first book. Although it clearly evinces her unique perspective and gift for writing, it is so sad and full of disappointment, betrayal and tragedy my heart ached. I'll add that aside from race issues, from a feminine and family perspective my own early life had several parallels to Angelou's. As Oprah Winfrey says in her introduction, hers did too (yet the book had the opposite effect on her).I give it two stars instead of one for her writing skill and the purely intellectual knowledge that she prevailed in life, and in a BIG way. But had I not known this... Oddly enough, this book had the opposite effect on me as The Color Purple (the book, not the film- I didn't care for the film). Although the Color Purple contains similar themes and threads, for me it SOARED. I guess that has most to do with the fact that the story is complete, we get to see Celie triumph over abuse and adversity. Although we KNOW Angelou does, we don't experience it along with her. Will I read the rest of her story, contained in her subsequent books? I don't know, maybe.
This is an American classic and is utterly brilliant. I am afraid I didn't know as much about Maya Angelou as I should have and maybe her brilliance had been eclipsed by her Oprah book club fame? Nonetheless, this is an intriguing and the historical documentation of the African American experience both in the south but iin California (Bay Area). It's also the story of a little girl who comes of age and later transforms from Marguerite to Maya and as you turn the pages and become immersed in the context of her life. I loved it. I was so sad when it ended, I wanted more and more.
Published in 1969 and one of several autobiographies that Maya Angelou would write. However, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is her first and the most intimate memoirs to be written and to take into account a lifetime of experiences during the most pivotal periods in American history. Her story represents and is symbolic to the African American experience during pre-civil rights era and the migration of communities in the United States during the late 1930s and 1950s that uprooted their lives from the south in places such as Stamps, Arkansas, St. Louis Missouri in the Midwest, and to the West to San Francisco. But the unique aspect about this history and story, it is first told from the perspective of Angelou as a child and the events that will occur thereafter in this coming of age memoir. Upon reading the first lines of the book, readers will be in store with much of the emotional intensity from Marguerite Bailey as well as the moving elements of her narrative that are told with great detail. Her story is told in flashbacks but within a block of memories, and there are several worth noting. But one did leave a lasting impression that involved the a pre-World War II era and the home-front during the war, especially the effects that the war had on particular communities; one of the interesting bits of history that Marguerite observes was when she was in San Francisco and how the internment of Japanese Americans in her neighborhood left a void to the community, shops and businesses and homes that were left vacant. But as time progressed during the war, the void was filled as more African Americans looked for opportunities on the west coast. And as a bright-eyed and precocious child to a blooming and maturing young lady, this event and several others may touch a nerve. Aside from the history, there exists the social dilemmas and issues that tend to be subtly told but clearly understood that related to the adversity that Marguerite experienced and the questions that she either asked her mother and the answers that she received of that is the way things were, or what she questioned of herself. With that sentiment in mind, throughout the book readers see the strength in the words that Angelou wrote, “Without willing it, I had gone from being ignorant of being ignorant to being aware of being aware. And the worst part of my awareness was that I wasn’t aware of what I was aware of…†(288)Whether one first reads this most thought-provoking book in school as a class assignment or out of curiosity, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is as relevant today as it may have been the day one first read the book. Indeed, it is a story worth discussing because of its timelessness, but most importantly, the somewhat unspeakable issues that she shares with the reader that still exist today as it existed during Maya Angelou’s time.
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